Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Dedicated to my Mother

Hi everyone and thank you for popping by and leaving such lovely comments over the past 2 days. Can I say thank you for putting up with my blog sites problems. It's been my lack of technical skills.
Today I'm dedicating my blog to my mother's skills. As today would have been her 93rd Birthday
but sadly she passed away 10 years ago.
The picture coming up on my blog is of me in the middle in a fancy dress costume my mother made me
I am showing you this because I know you crafty people will appreciate the work that went into this.
I am dressed as a coronation cake. My mother made this and how she got Westminster Abbey printed
on the blouse I don't know. No computers in those days. My mother was very good at sewing and design, she made nearly all mine and my 2 sisters dresses. she also made and designed her own wedding dress and bridesmaids dresses.
One dress I remember well was a gold taffeta dress, It had fairies embroidered on it by my grandmother
on her first electric sewing machine. No fancy embroidery stitches in the early fifties.
Well I have waffled on enough now I hope I haven't bored you or made you go to sleep.
Thank you again for popping by.

My next picture is of a box I made about 4 years ago.
I used double sided 12x12 card some peel off flowers matted on to the card some butterfly peel offs
put on to acetate, and then covered with pearls. The butterfly peel offs were  from the Glitter Girls


  1. Love the picture of you in your fancy dress outfit. Our mothers and grandmothers were very skilled weren't they? My mother used to make our dresses and hand smock all the bodices. In those days smocking on bodices of dresses was very popular. I also had two sisters and we used to be dresses the same but in different colours. A very busy lady. Apparently she also used to make the pillow acses and had embroider those too. How she ever found the time with five children I'll never know - although my youngest brother was abit of a later edition!
    Like you I also love making exploding boxes like yours. This is gorgeous. Enjoy your day. Christine xx

  2. This is a beautiful photograph and one to be treasured by your family too as it celebrates your mother and her fabulous skills, you in her work-of-art dress and finally, the celebrations of our country too. Fantastic.
    Like you and Christine, I also had a mother that would adapt and make. My mother was not a fancy dressmaker as your mother was, but she would often turn an unfitting suit of my fathers into trousers etc for my brothers. She also knitted lots of jumpers and cardigans etc for us, including all the matinee jackets and bootees for all her babies and ours as they arrived in later years.
    My father was a mechanic and Carpenter/joiner. He taught me basic DIY skills and these on top of my crafting skills have given me many hours of productivity. I just wish my children were interested....they are not unfortunately; this is why I love to pass on tips and ideas to my lovely blog friends.
    I adore you exploding box and can't wait to see what fabulous things you have for us next. Biggest Hugs Linda x

    1. Hi Linda,
      I see you have managed to get to your computer. Wonderful to have you back with us. I've bee getting with drawl symptoms. LOL. I think most of us have craft in our backgrounds or it looks that way. We really are a wonderful little craft community. Thank you for your lovely comment on my picture and the exploding box. By the way I won the fancy dress competition, and they wanted to take my photo on my own but I was very shy as I was only 4 at the time, so my sister had to be in it with me she is on the left, and the girl on the right came 2nd.
      Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  3. Hi Jenny, oh are Mothers were so creative and the little dress in the photograph your Mum made for you is beautiful, no wonder you won the competition. My Mum enjoyed dressmaking, was always knitting and did the most beautiful embroidery. In her later years she decorated eggs and had her own table at craft fairs where she sold many of her creations. She died March '11 and the grand age of 89 years, she was so talented and I miss her so much, we were always trying to put the world to rights and always laughed together. My sister tells me I get my talent (told her she's got the wrong person lol) from my Mum but I think we both do as my sister is very much into parchment craft and has made some beautiful cards.
    Your exploding box is gorgeous and I love your chosen colours and of course the butterflies. Just beautiful!
    Crafty hugs Christine H xx
    P.S. Couldn't find the image they must have taken it off but thank you anyway. Can you let me know your e-mail address and I will let you have my address. x

    1. Hi Christine,
      thank you for your lovely comment. My 2 sisters are very crafty too. Lovely Linda showcased my middle sister's jewellery she makes. I will show some of it too. I do envy your sister, parchment
      craft is so beautiful. I tried it a couple of times, but I'm too heavy handed. Has she got a blog?
      My E mail is Let me have you address in the E mail and I will
      send you some of the images.
      Lots of crafty love. Jenny L. Sorry I was so long getting back to you I was doing my blog for tomorrow.

  4. Oh How fabulous Jenny , your Mum and mine where a wizz at costumes. Great photo too. Love the little box I have never made one of those yours is so pretty well done Hugs Elaine


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I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.