Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Wednesday 25 September 2013


Hi and welcome to my blog all my craft loving
friends and visitors.

May I say a big welcome to my latest follower,
and thank you for becoming a follower, and I
hope you like what you see, and return many 

Thank you every one for your wonderful
comments on my snippets cards.

I am on a roll now and decided to make a small
box and 6 small Christmas cards to go inside.
All out of snippets from my other cards I have 
Now those of you that know my work know I
find it very hard to do minimal. lol.
Well wallah I think I have managed it this 
time. lol.


This little set is just under 4 inches square.
The Christmas Tree Die was a freebie with a
crafting magazine.
I embossed  the front of my cards with the 
Special Touch Mica Mask Ivy Background.
Now I don't think this looks like ivy at all, 
more like small leaves.
Added a gold Christmas peel off and wallah
a quick and easy project.
I also stamped a little Christmas verse inside
with gold pigment ink, but I forgot to 
photograph it.  Too eager to show you peeps.

Thank you again for your visit.
I do hope you all managing to craft lots! and lots!
Lots of crafty love. JENNY. 

I would like to enter this into the following
Snippets Playground Wk 91 
September 2013 Rudolph Day


  1. Gorgeous Jenny! For someone who doesn't find clean and simple so easy -you cracked it perfectly!
    That tree die is fabulous-can't believe it was a freebie-it is such a gorgeous design-did you cut the trees in gold mirror card? They look like real metal !
    Nessa xxx

  2. Oh wow these are gorgeous! love that die as well hugglessssssssssssssssssssssssss Sue xxxx

  3. Absolutely stunning cards Jenny - so elegant and lovely design.

    Hugs, Di xx

  4. Wow these are amazing Jenny. The die is gorgeous, what a great freebie! Beautiful CAS design :) Cathy x

  5. Super little set Jenny..very elegant!! I have that die sitting on my desk, now I've seen what it looks like I must give it a go! xx

  6. Jenny these are gorgeous,

    Jenny xxx

  7. These are gorgeous Jenny, a really elegant design. The gold trees look wonderful on the embossed backgrounds
    hugs Sue xx

  8. Aww Jenny-I see you have entered these into my Frugal Christmas Competition thank you-I love these.but I we can't enter them hunni as they are made with that gorgeous Christmas die and my little competition is only for something non christmassy this time-awww,sorry-you still have time to whip up a non Christmasssy item to enter though if you would like :)
    Hugs,Nessa xx

  9. I'm extremely proud of you Jenny. CAS ! Who'd have believed it. You've made a great job of these. They look really great. See, you said you couldn't do it! I've just been playing with this die too. Nice to see it on an actual card. Love and hugs from Christine xx

  10. Morning Jenny, Love it !!, these little Christmas cards and box are beautiful. I am the same as you, with me it is 'more is more' and I too, find it hard to do 'minimal'. This gives me a brilliant idea for little things for our Church Christmas Fayre in November, I must give this a try.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  11. These are gorgeous Jenny although I must admit I always find it very difficult to emboss with the Special Touch masks - maybe I need more shims. These are brilliant little cards and so very useful - a marvellous little gift.

  12. Hi there Jenny . . . welcome to Rudolph Day . . . thank you so much for bringing this lovely CAS and elegant collection to the challenge, with a matching box too! Very chic.

    Thanks for joining in.

    Sarn xxx

  13. Hi Jenny me little blog bud - I really did laugh loudly when I read your bit about you finding it hard to do minimal! You really are such a sweetie - and you have managed to do CAS very very well. These are super and really elegant. Such a great idea.

    Big hugs to you Sue Pxxx-

  14. Great set of cards, love the embossing and the tree die is fab, Envious of the box, as I can not make boxes for love or money.

    Kath x

  15. Hi Jenny
    Just read your comment before I hit the road and thought, had I missed something. . . . . . and yes, I had, these little gems! Gosh, we were in a similar mindset weren't we lol! We were both "on a roll" too hahaha!
    Did see your die on a recent mag and was tempted. . . . Even more now I've seen your lovely set.
    Ang x

  16. Fabulous creations sweetie, perfect colours too hugs Pops x x x

  17. This is absolutely beautiful such a wonderful set of cards, I may, with permission, steal the idea!
    Take Care, John x

  18. Good morning Jenny,
    Absolutely brilliant, I love your creations for today.
    The fact you have been using up "bits" warms my heart.
    Hav a great day

    Patricia xxx

  19. These are really pretty Jenny, small but perfectly formed!
    Debs x

  20. Super set of cards- love the tree.


Thank you for choosing to leave me a comment.
I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.