Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Monday 19 May 2014


Hi and welcome to my blog all my craft friends,
and visitors.
Thank you for your continued support of my work.
I had my scan on Thursday and have to wait 7 to
10 days for the results to see whats going on with
my spine.

My close neighbour has a similar problem with
her spine, but it's the lower back of her spine, so 
I made her this card to cheer her up.

Now the inside.

This is a 7"x7" size card.
I made the flowers out of bridal rose petals, and
coloured them in with Pan Pastels.
I also coloured my card with the Pan Pastel as
I didn't have any yellow card left in my stash.
The embossed detail is a mask I bought at the
NEC in march, and used the Pan Pastel to colour
this also.
I used some snippets for my sentiments card, and
the inside verse so I will join the playground this
week with this.

Thank you again for your time and support.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY. 

I would like to enter the following challenges 


  1. Good morning Jenny,,
    Love, love, love this stunning card, it is absolutely beautiful. Your friend/neighbour will be delighted when she opens and see this.
    Glad you have at last had your Scan, hopefully you are now on the road to getting rid of the pain.
    Have a great day

    Patricia xxx

  2. Hi Jenny. What a fabulous card, love the yellow, it's bound to make Pat feel better. Wishing you well xx

  3. Hello Jenny. Your card is so beautiful its sure to cheer up your neighbour. So glad to hear you had your scan, so hopefully something can be done to get rid of the pain. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Jenny a beautiful card, which I am sure your neighbour will love. Glad you have had your scan and that soon you will know what's going on and they hopefully will get your pain sorted out. Hazel xx

  5. Morning Jenny, A really beautiful card, your friend/neighbour will love it, and I'm certain will help her recovery.
    So glad your scan is now over, and hopefully when they get the results, they will be able to start your treatment thus alleviating your pain. Great big hugs being sent to you !!
    Have a lovely day.
    Lots of love and huge hugs from Patricia xx

  6. I truly love this card, it is so bright and cheery I am sure your friend will love it always.
    Wishing you well and free from pain
    Take care
    Sue x

  7. I'm sure your beautiful card will cheer up your friend Jenny, such sunny colours and a beautiful design, hugs Kate x

  8. Hi Jenny, this card is so bright & cheerful, it will be sure to make your neighbour smile, gorgeous hugs Carole Z xx

  9. Oh wow, that background looks fantastic and so is the bow, great flowers.
    Hope things turn out well.

    Kath x

  10. Hi Jenny
    What a beautiful cheery card. You could do with a get well card yourself chuck. Glad you are managing to get a bit of crafting done.
    Best wishes.

  11. Your card would cheer anyone up, it's gorgeous xxx

  12. Oh what a lovely card Jenny! Pat would have been delighted, I love the cheery yellow you used and as always it's perfection!

    Pleased the scan is done and that it won't be too long until the results.

    Keep smiling, hugs, Di xx

  13. Well that beautiful bright card is sure to cheer anyone up Jenny.
    Hope they can help with your spine.

    Hugs, Sarn xxx

  14. What a gorgeous card my lovely fairy godmother..I need to borrow your wand so I can whoosh it and take away your pain..hope they sort you out when you get the results of your scan lots of gentle huggles from me and sloppies from Olliebobs...........Sue xxxx

  15. This is so pretty. Love that embossed looking piece too!
    Hope you get your results soon so you can get some relief from this horrid pain.

  16. A wonderfully cheerful get well card.
    Jean x

  17. Afternoon Jenny - a truly beautiful card and aren't you a lovely friend! Love the shades of yellow it is just perfect for this time of year! Pan Pastels and fabric - you have given me some ideas there so thank you very much huni! Hope they get that rotten pain under control soon Karen xx


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I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.