Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Monday 15 September 2014


Hi my name is Jenny Lawrence, and welcome to my part in TCBH.
This was an idea of a person who's name has fallen by the wayside, so I can't tell you who started it, but I think it's a grand way to get to know one another.
This could be a rather long post so if you would like to get yourself a cup of your fav tipple to enjoy as you read this.

I have always crafted in some sort of way, either by knitting, sewing, embroidery, crocheting, 
glass painting, making my own motifs to go on 
clothes, decorating tops with fabric paints, and
of course baking, my brother in law said I made the best Christmas cake ever, as I used to give 
 him half of a Christmas cake every year.
I used to make my own clothes when I was younger, but not anymore.
My mother was a fantastic needle person, and so was my grandmother on my father's side of the family.
My mother would make mine, and my sisters 
clothes when we were children, and also my
grandmother would machine embroider motifs
on them for us.
 Here is a picture of a fancy dress my mother
made me for the coronation in the early fifties.

 I am in the 
center of the 
picture, and I
was a coronation
cake for a fancy
dress ball.
My middle sister
is on the left of
me, and the person in the right
was a stranger who came 2nd in the competition.
I won the competition and this photo was
taken by the local Argus.
 My mother printed the Westminster Abbey on 
the blouse I had on.
 No mean feat in those days, the little coronation 
coach on the front is worth a fortune now, and I wish I knew what happened to mine.
 I also remember one dress that was gold in
 colour, and had fairies embroidered on it.
Not an easy task in the fifties, as there were no
personal embroidery machines at that time.
My grandmother was an invisible mender at a 
Dry Cleaners, and taught me how to mend that way.
So craft was always in my back ground.
My 2 sisters also craft , and make jewellery,
and my eldest of the 2 can draw beautifully, as
could my mother, but sadly I didn't inherit that
wonderful talent.

I started paper crafting about 13 years ago, and I started by cutting out old cards and using the
cut out items to make my first attempts at cards.
So then my love of paper crafting really took off.
Now I didn't decide to make cards on my own, 
as my disabled niece made cards, and I got the
card making bug from her.

I started my blog just over 2 years ago, after commenting on other peoples blogs. 
I have a dear blog friend in Linda Burrows of Creative Harmony blog, who used to show my
cards on her blog.
Sadly Linda hasn't blogged for over a year due
 to health problems.
I do hope she gets better soon, and we all see her 
around blog land again in the near future.
So with Linda's encouragement I started my
 own blog, and I am so happy I did, as I have
 made many blog friends all over the world.
                    CRAFT ROOM )))
 Here is my desk,
and messy crafty
stash all around.
My EBosser is
to the right on 
top of a freezer.
My GC on table
in front.

This is some of
my hap hazard
I seriously need
a tidy up. lol.
I live in a 2
bungalow so I
am lucky enough to have my own small craft room.

 Now to my questions I have to answer.
1) What am I working on?
I am working on 2 different cards at the moment.
Both totally different.
I don't usually do this I usually work on 1 at a time, but the ideas are not gelling quite as I would like them too.
2) How does my work differ from others in my genre?
I am not sure if my work differs that much from others in my genre.
Except I like to make the inside of the card look as good as the outside or nearly so.
I also carry this on with the top of boxes I create for special cards.
3) Why do I do what I do ?
I do what I do because I love to create something that will make the recipient very happy to receive, 
and I love the challenge of trying to improve my craft skills.
4) How does my creative process work ?
I get inspiration from everything about me, such as colour matches, and maybe a design, I have seen on a piece of material, or a picture shape that sort of thing.
I never have a clear picture of what I am going to create, it just comes to me as I am crafting.
I love to rearrange my dies to make unusual shapes in my crafting.

Now I would like to introduce you to my tagees.
First we have SARAH WILLS of 
Please pay her a visit as she makes beautiful
creations, and not just cards.
 Sarah wants me to say she was having a bad hair day when this was
photo was taken.
 I am so flattered that Jenny enjoys my creations enough to tag me so that I can join in The Creative Blog Hop.
I craft for fun, and am honoured to be part of four fabulous design teams.
I simply love "grown up" colouring in, and find it a perfect balance to my outdoor life.
Just as important are the wonderful like minded friends I have made along the way!!

Please pay her a visit, as she make some
wonderful cards.
I haven't got a photo of Kath.
My name is Kathleen Scholefield, mainly 
called Kath, as Kathleen makes me feel like 
I am in trouble, but my Dad didn't like me
being called Kath, if we wanted you to be 
Kath we would have christened you Kath, a 
good telling off there.
I have been quite shocked to realize that I have
actually been making hand made cards since
2000, more about that later.
I started my blog in March 2010 after I had
I had no idea how to carry on, but with help
from my sister and lovely friend, and both of 
them are no longer blogging now, I managed
to struggle through.
I called my blog PLAIN and SIMPLE, because
that is what I am most comfortable with as, I
am really a bit of a stick in the mud, terrified 
of trying new methods.
Like most crafters I have gone through stages
of embroidery, dressmaking, and knitting, but
my first love is music and I was a member of
the Meatloaf fan club, for quite a few years, 
and if Bat out of Hell is not played at my 
funeral there will be a lot of disappointed 


  1. Morning Jenny, what a fabulous account of your crafty life and wow what a talented seamstress your Mum must have been to make such fabulous creations for you and your Sisters, looks like you have inherited her love of intricacy as demonstrated on your beautiful cards. Your craft room looks like a veritable treasure trove, I rather think I would like to have a rummage!! Finally, thank you so much for "tagging" me, I am duly flattered and actually don't look TOO bad in that snap!! xx Sarah xx

  2. How lovely to read your story. Love the fancy dress! You are a very talented family. Xxx

  3. Super post Jenny, love the photo and to read your story, hugs Carole Z X

  4. Morning Jenny, I really loved reading your story, no wonder you are so crafty with that heritage, your Mum was such a talented lady, that dress was stunning. My upbringing was very similar, my Mum used to make all my clothes and every dress was 'smocked', and I remember them to this day.
    Your craft room looks very similar to my own, I try and utilise every bit of space too haha.
    Have a lovely day.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  5. Hi jenny loved reading this your childhood photo is so sweet :) love your craft room too!!
    Vic x

  6. Hi Jenny, I have enjoyed reading your interesting post, its nice to have a peek into your craft room to see where your lovely cards are made. I love your photo of the fancy dress, your mum was indeed very talented.
    Jean x

  7. Good morning ... Ooopps!! It's afternoon already.
    Loved this Post gives a good insight to you and your love of crafting.
    I was asked to do this but could not get any of my other Blog pals to join in.
    Now I don't have much time to even get any crafting done. The schools here will be off in a couple of weeks. OMG!! I need to find some 48hour days soon......LOL!!
    Have a good rest of the day

    Patricia xx

  8. Good afternoon Jenny and a great post, good to get to know folk better who you blog with. I love the photograph of you in your fancy dress costume, it's fab too. The talent has obviously been shared down through the family. Thanks for sharing, hugs Erika.

  9. Oh and your craft room.....much tidier than mine!
    Hugs Ex.

  10. Hello Jenny, enjoyed reading your post and getting to know you a little bit better, at least the crafty bit. Love your photo of you as a little girl, and your craft room, hugs Kate x

  11. Hi Jenny, it was a delight to read your TCBH this morning, and let me say right off, I felt right at home in your craft room. We would have a lot of fun if you joined me (or I could join you!) as we both have the same crafting habitat!!!! Enjoyed seeing the pictures of you in your fancy dress and how fortunate you are to have had 2 such talented examples to set your feet on the crafting path. You & your sister were cuties for sure. Your beautiful cards are always so gorgeous on both outside & inside, ditto the lovely boxes you make to share them. I'm always amazed at how you use the S/B & other dies to make your cards so wonderful. Also very happy to see 2 blog friends that will be posting next week, can't wait to read more about them as well. I also liked Sarah's hair - it looks terrific not like a bad hair day at all! Hugs & TFS in this fun hop.

  12. Love your story Jenny, the photo of you is so cute bless your heart, and your craft room looks like you have lots of toys to play with, thanks for sharing.
    hugs Jacee
    Simply Paper Card Design

  13. Hi Jenny
    Loved reading about your crafty history.My Mum used to make m clothes but I can't sew for toffee lol!
    As for your craft room, my goodness! I only have a small bedroom so need to keep it tidy or it looks extremely messy. If I had more space,I hate to think what mine may look like lol!
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  14. It is lovely to hear the story behind the blog. Shall I pop over and give you a hand with tidying your craft room? I will help with yours if you will help with mine!! I have a spare desk you can play with after too...unless of course we get distracted!

  15. Interesting and informative Jenny.xx

  16. Jenny, you did an outstanding job with interviewing yourself for TCBH!! That sweet photo of you is just the best and I spent several minutes enjoying it. I also enjoyed seeing your craft space! You have a gorgeous desk there! I'm delighted to have found you in Blogland and I look forward to many more mutual visits in the future!! Hugs, Darnell

  17. Oh Jenny, what a fun and interesting post about you and your crafting journey. I adore the photo of you - your Mum was very imaginative and talented! And of course, she passed it on to you!

    Hugs, Di xx


Thank you for choosing to leave me a comment.
I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.