Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Wednesday 11 May 2016


Hi and welcome to all my very talented friends, and visitors.
Thank you so much for your visit, and your precious time commenting on my work.
I very much appreciate each and every one.

Today I have my entry into the Butterfly Challenge No 54 which is R for Recycle, and or Ruby Red.
Now I had been contemplating on this one, and suddenly today I thought of what I could do.
So I recycled a bag you get your Pandora purchases in.

The second picture is so you can see the Rose I made some time ago a little easier.
This bag is about just over 6"x6" in size.
I started by measuring the bag, now don't laugh as I am not very good with measurements, as I have mentioned before.
I cut 2 pieces of red card just under 6"x 6" in size.
The white card was snippets left over from a A3 size of card that I had cut down for another project.
I inked the edges of the card with Fired Brick DI, and then I spritzed the card with Tattered Angels Glimmer Mists in red.
I stamped a butterfly with the DI, and added some dots with a Promarker.

Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges. 


  1. this looks fab Jenny. I have done a similar thing for an upcoming DT, watch this space !!!!!

    Gorgeous rose!

  2. Morning Jenny, You have covered both scenario's here, Recycle and also Ruby Red, I love how you have upcycled this lovely bag. The finished bag is stunning, your flower is absolutely fabulous !! and I'm loving the inking and spritzing, positively stunning.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  3. Hi Jenny, beautifully recycled bag, that has now become a gift in its own right!! Janice xx

  4. Oh WOW, what a classy looking bag, Jenny! Brilliant design and great way to recycle. xx

  5. Beautiful Jenny! I love your recycling idea and you sure did nail the ruby red part of the challenge theme! Love your big glittery flower, and the filigree butterfly is just lovely! hugs :)

  6. An absolutely beautiful project Jenny with diecuts, stamping and spritzing then you topped it off with that beautiful rose. Just perfect for the Butterfly Challenge Jenny. Thanks for joining in. Barbxx GDT

  7. Such a stunning bag my lovely fairy godmother! its gorgeous!!! I've been busy getting things ready for our week away and hoping the weather stays fine lol because I'm sure to forget something..lots of huggles and sloppies from the J household xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  8. Absolutely beautiful bag Jenny. That rose is amazing and all the details are so pretty and go together so well - Michelle x

  9. Great bit of recycling and a beautiful gift bag you've created. Cara x

  10. I wouldn't bother with what's inside the box just give me the box!! It's lovely. Your rose is gorgeous and love the butterfly stamped background. Thankyou for fluttering by my challenge where your bag will be entered into the draw twice. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Jenny, this gift bag is for queen or prinsess! Love the beautiful ruby rose in centre, the rich red color! Wonderful!

  12. This looks fabulous Jenny and the rose is beautiful. I have done the same with an jewellers bag too, although mine was shiny black. FAr too good not to recycle or upcycle or whatever. Hope things are well with you. Hugs Christine xx

  13. Oh wow, what a stunning creation, totally love the colour and that rose is so fabulous. Pandora, ooo, get you, lol.

    Kath x

  14. Hi there Jenny, your little bag is stunning, beautifully decorated and that rose is stunning, fabulous colour too, Kate x

  15. Wonderful recycled bag Jenny, love the red colours and beautiful glitzy flower and butterfly.
    Pam x

  16. Brilliant recycling. The rose is gorgeous. I'm appalling at measurements myself, i get it wrong so many times. Someone will be very happy to receive this.

  17. A fabulous recycle job Jenny, the rose is beautiful.
    Jean x

  18. Clever you to recycle, and gracious, what a wonderfully beautiful rose. Wish I could shape a rose this nicely, and so realistically. I'm not one who measures well either. Even if I think I've done it exactly, checked it twice, something is always off. Usually just eyeball! This is just gorgeous, Jenny. TFS & HUGS

  19. Wow Jenny, what a fabulous result! I love the whole bag and the rose is just amazing!


    Di xx

  20. Brilliant work love the colours and gorgeous rose, amazing result Jenny...xx  {aNNie}

  21. Hi Jenny
    Wow, wow and thrice WOW!
    Amazing Jenny.....can't think of many gifts you could put in it that would be as nice as the bag lol!
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  22. Beautiful bag! What a great idea to use that flower die does not matter about width and depth for postage like on a card!

    Brilliant idea...I am off to look at my flower dies now as I could use some pretty gift bags like this!

  23. Beautiful bag! What a great idea to use that flower die does not matter about width and depth for postage like on a card!

    Brilliant idea...I am off to look at my flower dies now as I could use some pretty gift bags like this!


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I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.