Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Tuesday 2 August 2016


Hi and welcome to all my very talented friends, and visitors.
Thank you so much for your visit, and the wonderful comments you make I really appreciate every one.

Well I had an appointment at the hospital this morning, and thinking it was the results of my 24hr blood pressure monitor thingy I went was I so wrong as I have to wear that darn thing again for 24hrs as they couldn't get any of the readings off the last one.
How lucky am I.
I think not. LOL.

Well onto my posting for today it's another yes you have  guessed it a Tissue Box, but I have used some snippets of card on it so I acan join my playground chums at the Snippets Playground again this week.

Anyone who would like to know how to make one of these there is a tutorial on  the top of my blog.
I used a few snippets of card on this one the butterflies are all cut from snippets.

Thank you again for yout time.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges. 


  1. Gorgeous work Jenny, lots of wonderful details, Kate x

  2. Hi Jenny
    Love how you have decorated this and the vibrant colours you have used.
    What a pain having to wear the monitor. I've only been attached to a hospital one for about 10 hours that puffed up every 15 minutes leaving my arm black and blue.
    Try and think calming're on a beach with a pina colada 🍹
    Best wishes.
    Ang x

  3. Gorgeous tissue box Jenny! love the colours and decoration.
    What a pain having to endure that monitor again.
    Take care Pam x

  4. This is very pretty Jenny.
    Love the pretty embellishments and colours
    Hugs Kelly

  5. Oooh love the way you dressed up the top of the box...its gorgeous
    Dr Sonia

  6. What a gorgeous bejeweled box, lovely vibrant cheerful colours. Ouch not good about the monitor :( xxx

  7. Hi Jenny
    Stunning box... Love how you have decorated it... Fabulous ...
    Hugs Sylvie x

  8. Morning Jenny, What rotten luck having to wear it for another 24 hours, especially as you were not expecting that, it must be awful for you. My Brother-in-Law had to wear one at home and he had to do it a couple of times too.
    A gorgeous tissue box cover, you always create beautifully embellished projects, I love it !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Morning Jenny, What rotten luck having to wear it for another 24 hours, especially as you were not expecting that, it must be awful for you. My Brother-in-Law had to wear one at home and he had to do it a couple of times too.
    A gorgeous tissue box cover, you always create beautifully embellished projects, I love it !!
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Oh no, not another 24 hours, so sorry to hear that! Wow Jenny, this is just stunning! I love all the pink and all the pearls. I really must try this technique of decorating a tissue box, you always make them look so gorgeous!! hugs :)

  11. Stunning box jenny, I am just in the middle of making one myself lol! So sorry to hear about the monitor hun but hopefully they will sort you out lol! Thank you for your continuing, wonderful comments on my blog, you always comment even when I dont get time to comment on yours or others so it is very much appreciated hun. I am keeping well just very busy with Sheena's samples, just finished one lot and now another to do, she is so busy at present but its all exciting.

    Take care

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxxx

  12. Absolutely gorgeous box Jenny.

  13. Totally gorgeous tissue box cover Jenny! These must take ages to make! Sorry to hear about the BP monitor. I monitor my BP at home and swear that the machine hates me as it's determined to totally cut off the blood supply in my arm. It seems to sit and leer at me, sigh.

    Great to see you in the Playground.


    Di xx

  14. Wonderful tissue box cover Jenny. Gorgeous colours and lots of fabulous details. I hate those BP monitors and I can guarantee that they end up raising my BP xx

  15. Fabulous tissue box. You have my sympathies about the 24 hr BP monitor they're a total pain. cara x

  16. WOW!! Your tissue box is absolutely amazing my friend!! Love all of the fabulous embellishments and colors you've used!! HUGS

  17. An absolutely stunning Tissue box. Who wouldn't want to have this on the table to enjoy.

    I'm sorry to hear you had to hear you had to keep the monitor on. I hope you get good results end the end. Barbxx

  18. Another stunning tissue box, Jenny!

    I don't envy you having to wear the blood pressure monitor again. Once was enough for me! Hope they get the results this time. xx

  19. Very pretty box Hope the wearing of the monitor went ok and that they can get some readings this time


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I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.