Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Sunday 3 December 2017


Hi and welcome to all my very talented friends and visitors.

Sorry I have been missing again, but I have had such a busy time lately.
What with the Christmas Bazaar, and it is my turn to host the MAWTT Chellenge, and also the I was DT for the Rudolf Challenge at the same time.
I literally thought I was spread this way, and that, and just couldn't get around to commenting on your wonderful creations so I am so sorry for that.
Good news though we took over £200 pound on the Bazaar.
This will be used to fund our little club we run, and hlp with our Christmas party next week.

So here are some more Christmas ornaments I made from a design I saw on U TUBE HERE I just tweaked them my way by adding ribbon and some bling.

 I do hope your like them, but they didn't sell well.

Thank you so much for your visit, and time.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.


  1. Can't understand why they didn't do well Jenny, they look beautiful

  2. Morning Jenny,
    A wee blast from the past here.
    I just LOVE your ornaments, they are all beautiful.
    I really don't know why they did it sell. Nothing funnier than folk at Carft Fairs/Bazarrs.
    Hope all is good with you and yours.
    Patricia x

  3. Well done Jenny. These decs look lovely, xxc

  4. It's such a shame these didn't sell Jenny as they are really lovely :) Glad to hear the bazaar went well though
    Hugs Kaz xx

  5. These ornaments are gorgeous and you have made so many different ones, all lovely and so individual too. What a fabulous success your Bazaar was, well done on all the fund raising.

  6. These are fabulous Jenny! I love all the different colour combinations and pretty patterns of paper that you used! The dangling crystals are just gorgeous and the embellished ribbons are very eye catching! I find that something that sells well one year, doesn't the next. It's hard to judge what will be a hit. Glad to hear it went well though. hugs :)

  7. They're gorgeous Jenny! Bet your craft stall looked amazing with all the fabulous things you made! It was obviously extremely popular judging by the amount of money you raised. Well done, all that hard work was worth it!

  8. Hi Jenny they are gorgeous I love them I am surprised they didn't sell well. It is so difficult to know what people will like. Well done with the money raised. You have been very busy. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  9. I don't know why these didn't sell well, Jenny - they're gorgeous!! I love the papers you used and the pretty ribbons!! I'm glad the bazaar went well and you were able to raise money!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  10. You don't need to apologise Jenny, we are all running around like headless chickens at the moment I am sure!! I am so pleased that the bazaar went well but cant understand why your ornaments didnt do so well, they are wonderful xx

  11. Hi Jenny, I adore these ornaments, they are gorgeous !! and I can't understand why they didn't sell well.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  12. They are really lovely and such a pity that they didn't sell well, some people have no taste.
    Great shape and lovely papers and gorgeous ribbons.

    Kath x

  13. Wonderful ornaments Jenny, love this unusual design and lovely papers used.
    Shame they did`nt sell after all your hard work.
    Hugs Pam x

  14. Amazing ornaments, Jenny. I LLLLOVE them, my friend. I do not understand why. Kisses!

  15. Hi there Jenny, beautifully designed little ornaments, why wouldn't they sell, but well done on the money raised, great effort, Kate x

  16. Some people obviously have no taste! We all think they look fabulous. I hope you get a chance for a rest before the Christmas chaos starts x

  17. Amazing creations Jenny, it's such a shame they didn't sell well x

  18. Hi Jenny
    Well done you with raising all that money.
    Your decorations look lovely so it's everyone else's loss not to have them.
    Best wishes.
    Ang x


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I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.