Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Thursday 7 March 2019


Hi, and welcome to all my very talented, and craft loving friends.

Sorry I have been missing longer than I mentioned, but my family decided to stay longer than stated, and then there was all the things to do after you have visitors staying.
I do so miss them though when they are gone, so it's good that you have to be busy so you don't  miss them so much.

Today I wanted to create a card for the Allsorts Challenge, and the theme is
 Your Fave Season
I just love Autumn and the super colours of the leaves as they change into such glorious colours and splendour.

This is a 6"x6" size card.
I started by inking my card with lots of inks to recreate the colours of Autumn.
I used a combo of Izinks, and Distress Inks.
Then I spritzed it with water, and let it dry naturally.
I then stamped my leaves in Archival Potted Soil Ink with a freebie stamp from the Creative Stamping magazine.
The saying also came from the same set of stamps.

Thank you so much for your visit, and precious time.
I very much appreciate every visit, and wonderful comment.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.

I would like to enter this into the following challenges. 


  1. Hi Jenny this is a stunning card. I am so pleased that you had a great time with your family. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. So glad to hear that you had a wonderful time with family and it is sad when they leave. I love your card with it's rich autumn colours xx

  3. Gorgeous autumnal card, Jane. Kisses, my friend.

  4. Autumn is such a colourful season and this card is beautiful - great for the challenge

  5. Glorious autumn colours, beautiful card.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  6. Jenny, this is so beautiful and deffo Autumn colours,thanks for joining us at Allsorts. Xxx

  7. gorgeous autumnal card it's my favourite season too, love the warm tones.

  8. Your card is just beautiful, Jenny. Lovely design and I love the rich autumnal colours. It certainly felt like an autumn day here today - so cold and windy! xx

  9. This is so beautiful Jenny, Fabulous stamping and design and glorious autumnal colours. Glad you enjoyed your guests!

  10. Hi Jenny

    WOW, this card is stunning and your colouring is superb

    Good to hear you enjoyed your family visiting and I hope your hubby is ok?

    Happy crafting....

    June x

  11. Gorgeous card my lovely fairy godmother and so glad you had a lovely time with your family lots of huggles Sue xx

  12. What amazing colours and design Jenny, beautifully designed card, Kate x x

  13. Hi Jenny, I love it !! I love the colours, I love the stamping, I love everything.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  14. Stunning card jenny, love the colours.
    Pam x

  15. A super Autumn creation, great sentiment and colours, fabulous leaf stamp too. Thank you for joining our 'Seasons' challenge at Allsorts.

    Kath x

  16. This is so gorgeous!! The colors are beautiful!! I love the gorgeous design!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  17. Good Morning Jenny, What a fabulous card such beautiful shades of Autumn too. I am trying my best to climb back up again as it's over six months apart from a few times I have managed to do something. Loving my crafting again. Enjoy your Weekend. Hugs Rita xx

  18. Hi Jenny,
    just stopping by to wish you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a wonderful day!!!

  19. I love the rich colours of autumn Jenny, so this card is right up my street. Pleased to hear you enjoyed your visitors xx

  20. This is beautiful Jenny . I do so love the way that you decorate the insides of your cards. IKEA furniture and boxes arrived and now in the throws of building it. It took ages to clear the room and will no doubt take weeks to get straight again. Hugs Mrs A.

  21. You've definitely captured all the beauty of Autumn in your card, the rich colours are a perfect representation of a very pretty season. Gorgeous card x


Thank you for choosing to leave me a comment.
I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.