Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Thursday 4 June 2020


Hi and welcome to all my very talented and craft loving friends.

How are all of you managing with the new measures that we have been given.
I am really scared to venture out after all it's still out there and I am 71 years of age so have been self isolating for 10 weeks now and I am into my 11th this week.
Luckily I have always been okay with my own company.

Finding it very hard to get into crafting though as I think my mojo is in sleep mode.

I visited a friends blog recently and she had a lovely card on her blog which I asked if I could case for my Son's Birthday, as I was struggling what to put on his card this year. 
Brenda used stamps which I didn't have so improvised.
You can find her lovely card
Please pop over and give her some lovely comments and follow if you are not already following her.

So onto my version of Brenda's card.

This is a 8"x8" size card.
I inked some watercolour card stock with a mixture of DIs
to give a look of a night sky
 hopefully it looks like it.
I add some flicks of glitter pen mixed with water to look like small stars.
Then also added some blobs for bigger stars.
 I used a round punch for the moon and coloured it with different  inks  and finally added some white pearlised ink round the edges and accross the moon to give it some atmosphere.
Sentiments computer generated.

Thank you so much for your visit and precious time.
I really appreciate every wonderful comment you make.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.


  1. Lovely card Jenny. I understand what you mean about the crafting mojo - I'm finding it difficult to settle at anything for long at the moment!

    Kim x

  2. This is a great card and I reckon your Son will just love it. I've not ventured out since early in March and despite the relaxation of the 'rules' I'm being very cautious and staying put for a bit longer. I'm several years older than you and certainly don't want to take any risks - quite happy with my own company as well which is good. Take care and keep crafting!!

  3. Hi Jenny this is a gorgeous card you have made for your son. I am sure he will love it. Thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  4. Fabulous card jenny, love the sentiment and the clean design, I'm sure your son will love it too.
    I think you are very wise to be cautious about going out, it's still early days for those who have been isolating - better to be safe than sorry.
    Take care

  5. I love this card Jenny, and the blue card is my number 1 favourite colour

    June x

  6. What a wonderful card Jenny, David will love it. I am so pleased to hear that you are coping with your isolation and hope that your mojo returns!! xx

  7. Hi Jenny, what a wonderful card, lovely design and inking, I'm sure your son will love it, take care of yourself, Kate x

  8. Your son is sure to love this beautiful card you have created the perfect night sky with wonderful sentiments,take card x

  9. Hi Jenny, I know what you mean about the going out thing, I have been going out for an hour's walk every morning (as I have for the past 3/4 years now), but I go out very early morning and hardly meet anyone, which is great by me, and when I do meet anyone coming in the opposite direction I am always the one who has to move out of the way, they don't seem to have any courtesy for the elderly, it is so annoying but I would rather move right away than catch this horrid virus. I have always had panic attacks when it is the 'one day' supermarket shop, I wear a mask but I'm always glad when we are back in the car and on our way home again. I reckon it will take me a very long time before I can feel safe being in close proximity to anyone haha.
    Your card is beautiful, and the sentiment is so beautiful too.
    I have been doing mainly sewing and today have been in my craft room trying to think of a 'Father's Day' card to make from our Lizzie cat (I always make one for her to give to her Daddy haha) but my mojo just won't re-appear, I have done a background and it has a 'cat' theme haha, but somehow I just don't know what to put on it, isn't it awful when your mojo is having a vacation.
    Stay safe, stay well.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  10. Well, snap, I am 71 too, my Hubby is 72 so we have been the same as you, I would never have thought that I would miss going to a Supermarket or the Butchers, Done on line Supermarket shopping, not keen but Daughter does get me stuff as she lives pretty close. My butcher also lives 2 minutes from me so I ring up my order on a Thursday afternoon and he rings me Friday afternoon with the price and I pay by credit card and he leaves it on my doorstep Friday tea-time. I do miss going to the butcher too as I really like to look at the met before I buy it, but they do know what, and how, I like it as I have been going there for quite a number of years.

    Oh better get on to the reason I am here, boring you.
    A brilliant idea and a really super night sky and a lovely bright moon, fab sentiments. Great make.

    Kath x

  11. Great design for your son's card Jenny, I'm sure he will be thrilled to receive it.

    We've been going for a walk for most days, but keeping to places we know will have very few people. Trying to get an online shopping delivery seems almost impossible, so I've been doing a weekly shop in a very large supermarket where the aisles are really wide and they have a good system in place with a one way system for customers. Also there's plenty of hand gel and disinfectant spray for the trolleys. It certainly is a strange time we're living through.

    I hope you get your crafting mojo back soon. Take care. xx

  12. Great card, Jenny. Your son is going to love this one!

  13. A great idea for a male card Jenny, thanks to Brenda. What a great world the Crafty world is, great ideas we can borrow from each other, xxxx

  14. A lovely card for your son Jenny, hope your mojo returns soon and that we can all get back to some 'normal' routines too.

  15. Schitterend kaart
    Lieve groetjes

  16. Know how you feel Jenny, I`ll be doing our first supermarket shop in 10 weeks Monday, I insisted I did this as I`ll get were I wont go out! terrified to go..but needs must! hubby and I are both 75!.
    fabulous birthday card.
    Hugs Pam x

  17. Absolute stunning Jenny - I think your son will love this - I do hope you manage to venture out and about soon - Michelle x

  18. that is a really great card!

    Hugz Tinz


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I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.