Jenny Lawrence

My photo
Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom
Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent. My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019 We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years. I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies. I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too. I love to bake my own cakes as well.

Friday 25 September 2020


Hi and welcome to all my very talented, and craft loving friends.
Sorry I have missing for so long, but I am having trouble with my right arm and hand so typing, and using a mouse has been very painful for me.
As it's the 25th of the month it's time for the Rudolf Days Challenge over at 
The challenge runs from today, and till the end of the month, and as always it's anything goes as long as it's Christmas.
There is always a lovely prize to be won, and it gets your Christmas cards made early.
So here is my DT cards I made.

These are both 8"x8" size cards.
The papers are from the Tattered Lace Magical Moments USB.
The die cuts are also from the Tattered Lace Magical Moments Dies and Charisma.
I painted them with glossy accents to give them their shine.
I do hope you can enter this wonderful challenge.
Thank you so much for your visit, and precious time.
I really love to read all your wonderful comments.
Lots of crafty love.  JENNY.


  1. Hi Jenny both of your Christmas cards are gorgeous. I love them both. I hope you have a good weekend. Take care. Hugs Jackie

  2. Two beautiful cards Jenny love the traditional style

  3. Two beautiful Christmas cards wich I'm sure the eventual recipients will love. Sorry to hear you are having trouble with your hand and arm - hope it recovers soon so you can type and craft without discomfort.

  4. Gorgeous cards Jenny with lovely traditional images-they're beautiful inside too! Hope your hand and arm soon improve.

  5. Wow, you made some beautiful cards with this paper. The bird just shines! The inside of the cards is gorgeous, a wonderful winter scene. I hope you are getting some relief for your arm and hand. Is is carpal tunnel or do you know what is causing it. There is a brace you can wear if it's carpal tunnel that may help with the pain. Rest always helps too. Take care of yourself my sweet friend.

  6. Beautiful cards and details , congrats 👏💐
    Hugs from Chile

  7. What stunning cards Jenny, beautifully designed and embellished, Kate x x

  8. Hi Jenny, So sorry to hear you haven't been well, I hope you start to feel better really soon.
    Two fabulous cards, as always.
    Take care, stay safe, stay well.
    Lots of love from Patricia xx

  9. Hi Jenny, with my left arm and shoulder out of action maybe we should join forces.Lol. Sorry to hear you have been in pain with your right arm. It really is no fun but you have made to lovely cards for the Rudolph challenge. I might bee able to come up with one card to enter. hugs Mrs A.

  10. To fabulous cards Jenny both with super images, embellishments and backgrounds. Super papers inside too.

    Kath x

  11. Lovely cards. Sorry to hear about your hand and arm. I hope it heals well very soon. [Bunny]

  12. Happy Rudolph Days, Jenny! I always enjoy popping by to see your christmas cards. I love your attention to detail and how you coordinate all the embellishments. I also love the insides! I think because it takes me so long to make my cards that the insides are unimpressive. I’m happy i have my ipad and phone to dictate into so i can spare my hands. Maybe you’d like it.
    Hugs, linda

  13. Hi Jenny
    These are two beautiful cards! I like the aperture style of each and everything about them! The cut out additions to the front of the first one are stunning! I can see the glistening parts you went over...they do shine!

    Sorry to hear about your arm and hand. What a drag! I am like you though, when my hands bother me, I can create cards but I do not blog them as I can not go about and visit everyone or it makes my hands worse. So that is why I am often absent from posting!

    I do not remember the dates of the stamps...I only knew those as it was written in the manufacturers tag on the stamps! hahahaha I posted it as it thought it wasd interesting to own something for so long and I have only used it a few times. 'Maybe three of four times for the imag a a couple of times for the sentiment. I need to commit to entering Darnel's NBUS challenge with all the stamps that I have never inked! My bad!

  14. Wow! Both of these cards are awesome, Jenny! I especially love that beautiful Santa!

  15. Stunning cards Jenny, yet to use my collection!.
    hope your arm/hand heals quick
    Pam x

  16. Oh Jenny, I'm so sorry to hear you're struggling with that arm. That's all you need at a time like this :/ I hope it starts to improve soon.

    Your cards are both beautiful. I particularly like the birds with the shiny finish and that wonderful lantern on the first and your determined looking Santa on the second.

    Vicky x

  17. Morning Jenny. What a Magical card. So beautiful for such a special time of year. Stay Safe. Hugs Rita xx

  18. two beautiful cards, Jenny! Wonderful use of those gorgeous papers. I do hope your hand and arm feel better soon. I tend to find the same if I do too much cross stitch or crochet, as well as computer time.

  19. I'm sorry for the arm and hand pain, but you still managed to make some beautiful cards! I really like the scene within the star and what cute little birds too! I like the vintage Santa image and how you decorate the insides, which gives plenty of space for personal thoughts! Happy Rudolph Days! No go take care of that sore arm and hand, you've earned a rest :)

  20. OMGosh Jenny, I am having problems with my right arm/elbow/shoulder too! And I have to add my right foot in the mix too. What the heck?! lol I definitely feel your pain and can't be on the computer typing much either as it is so painful. Can lift anything heavy either, even my water bottle causes me pain lifting it. I hope you get better soon, but if it is anything to do with arthritis like mine....well not looking good. Your Rudolf cards are so beautiful! The star with the bird, church and lantern is so stunning and traditional. Cause what is Christmas without church, the birds and lanterns?! Your Father Christmas card is equally stunning, I love the scene and the die cut you used around the scene. I love how Father Christmas is in the scene but yet out of it as well. Another great traditional card for the "kid" in all of us! Feel better soon my friend! Hugs, Brenda

  21. Your two cards are just gorgeous, Jenny, both outside and inside! I can't even imagine making an 8 x 8 card! I feel like a slacker with my itty-bitty cards half that size!

    I'm very sorry to hear that you have pain in your right arm and hand, my friend. I hope it gets resolved soon! Lots of love and hugs, Darnell

  22. Came for another look after seeing these cards at Rudolph Days. They look like cards from a high end boutique! I just love the scene inside the star--gotta case that idea! Thanks for the photo tip. I didn't try using a dark background, but now I will.

  23. Oh dear Jenny, I hope that your arm and wrist are getting better and you'll soon be back to normal. I love your two cards, I was so tempted with this set but have far to many dies from TL from last Christmas. However looking at these I'm now wishing that I had brought them.

    Sue xx

  24. Your cards are so beautiful, inside and out. They are a gift in themselves with their impressive size. Thank you for the gorgeous inspiration for Rudolph Days!


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I very much appreciate your comments.
I do hope you all have a wonderful crafty day.