Hi and welcome to cardsarus blog spot
My name is Jenny Lawrence and I live in Kent.
My dear and wonderful husband Tony passed away in March 2019
We had been married for 36 years. I also lost my first Husband to the big C when I was quite young. I have 3 children and 3 stepchildren. 12 Grandchildren and 5 Great Granddaughters and 3 Great Grandsons. I have been card making for about 25 years.
I have made things all my life as my Mum and Grand Mother taught me lots of hobbies.
I have made my own clothes, knitted garments, hand embroidered items of clothing, and crocheted items too.
I love to bake my own cakes as well.
Hello dear blog friends and visitors. I am so sorry I have been away for such a long time. I needed to catch up on my housework that went all haywire over the past few weeks. I also had to go back to Wales as I had booked to go to the NEC Stitch and Craft Show with my sister who lives there. I bought some lovely goodies while I was there. We visited on the Sunday and as you all may know the weather was not very kind to us. I really enjoyed the day despite the weather as it was my first visit to one of these shows, I do hope it won't be my last as I spent far tooooooooo much money as you do. lol.
THANK YOU for all your wonderful wishes and comments. I very much appreciate every one that you make. I am still suffering with this problem I have got in the top of my spine. The pain has now gone but I'm left with a great deal of numbness in my left finger tips. Luckily it doesn't affect my crafting only my typing, good job I don't do that for a living. lol. I know some of you might think this is carpel tunnel syndrome, but I had that op 5 years ago. Well that's enough of my probs there are peeps a lot worse off than me.
Today I have a card I made for my daughter's partner. As soon as I saw this image I knew it was for him as we call him the king of barbecues, as he make such good food for it.
Click to enlarge.
Now the inside.
The digi image was a Mo Manning one coloured in with Promarkers, Flexmarkers, and Tria Markers. The papers used were a combination of Kaisercraft, Dovecraft, and Papermania. I used the Grand Scolloped Squares Die, Di-namics Rounded Banners Die, Di-namics Stars Die, Di-namics Corner Die and the Grand Square Die.
Thank you again for your visit and patience with my blog. I do hope you are all keeping well, with this nasty cold weather we have been having. I now need a mortgage to pay my electric bill as I am all electric. lol. Lots of crafty love. JENNY.
Good evening to all you wonderful and talented craft loving people and visitors. THANK YOU soooooooo much for your very thoughtful and kind comments. You are all such a kind and caring community, I feel very honoured to be part of such a wonderful community, and to call you all my good friends. I am sorry I haven't got around to visiting your blogs and commenting on your lovely creations. I seem to be very pushed for time at the moment and needed to get my cards made before going back to Wales for my Dad's funeral. I also have a problem typing because of a trapped nerve in the top of my spine. This evening I have another card made for another grandson. His Birthday is on the 17th of this month. I know I have shown you 2 similar cards with the same image, but when I purchased the image I knew I could use it for at least 3 of my grandsons. I hope you like this version.
Click to enlarge.
Now the inside.
I used the Mo Manning Digi Image Video Boy and coloured it in with Promarkers. The papers are Kaisercraft. I used the Di-namics Rounded Banner Die, Di-mamics Corner Die, Spellbinders Grand Square Die. Thank you again for your visit. I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday, and manage to slot some craft into your day. Lots of crafty love. JENNY.
Good morning dear blog friends and visitors. Thank you for all your wonderful comments and good wishes.
Some sad news my Dad passed away on the 28th of February. Thank you for all your wonderful and kind thoughts and messages left on my blog before I went away.
My card today is one I have just made for my brother in law. He used to be a fireman in the RAF and also a part time fireman. So I thought this would be the right image for him.
Click to enlarge.
Now the inside.
I have used a freebie image off the internet and coloured it in with Promarkers. The navy papers are Kaisercraft and the yellow papers are from my local craft shop, and they didn't have a name on them. I have used Di-namics Corner Die, Di-namics Rounded Banner Die, and Di-namics Stars Die. Thank you again for your visit. I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. Lots of crafty love. JENNY.